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High School

Like Middle School, High School can be an exciting time as you look ahead and prepare for college or vocational work. However, it is not uncommon for students to feel overwhelmed by the increasing expectations and responsibilities at the high school level. 


As a High School student, your executive function skills are still developing and yet these cognitive function are put into high gear as you juggle multiple demands and shifting priorities.


In addition to managing your homework load and other school activities, you may be working on additional challenging responsibilities such as:


  • studying for additional tests such as SAT, ACT. AP's, 

  • researching and visiting colleges and exploring careers

  • balancing time commitment between sports, clubs and job

  • juggling multiple projects and deadlines

  • planning and completing long term projects


If you are struggling to stay on top of your work and feeling frustrated, you may benefit from an Academic ADHD coach who can guide you through establishing good study habits, learning test-taking strategies, and using effective time management practices to plan and prioritize. 


Call 201-785-7820 for more information.

High School Friends

Academic and Life Coaching for 
Adults and Adolescents with ADHD & Executive Function Disorder
Tel: 201-785-7820

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